SBM Tilmelding 2016 GB

Great Belt Championship for FOLKBOATS 2016

 Sailing documents

Invitation Notice of Race ⇓SBM16-NOR-v1 official version downloaded from ⇒ – select option documents

Sailing Instructions (Sailing Instructions see ⇓sbm-2016 si_v1) final handed out at registration and can be downloaded from the same site as NoR

Registration and payment

Registration is done through ⇒Manage2sail – choose the yellow action button sign .Entry via this system closes Friday, August 19 at 09:00. Then you can only enroll by contacting the Organiser.

Payment is made via ⇒Kerteminde Sejlklubs Nemtilmelding .Payment via this system closes Friday, August 19 at 09:00. Payment then cash payment.


Entry fee: 400 kr, covering trades and moleøl and opsætilling of tent / caravan on port land.

Grill Dinner per. person 150 kr.

Breakfast / butter even per. per person. Today 75 kr.

Common Dinner: Pork omelettes, pancakes with ice, 1 beer incl .: Kr. 150 per. person.

Tent / caravan on the harbor area, free installation

participant status

⇒ Attendance see M2S – updated directly by M2S enrollment, displayed by selecting menu item participants / Registered

Click map pop-up guide

For registration paid the tournament fee online via credit card payment with Nemtilmeld and the registration is done with Manage2Sail. Aiding and assisting the organizers by making both registration and payment in advance of the event.

Nemtilmeld payment:
Additional Benefits breakfast with lunch lubrication and barbecue dinner can be selected by payment or later (which will link to it in acknowledgment mail is automatically sent by the system, and there is link for cancellation and refund of the deposit). For payable additional services will recovery take place online via credit card payment.

There can also be selected Food orders without signing up, this is used if there are more than 3 eating on a boat, or if someone wants to buy meal tickets alone.

You will see a list of participants on the registration page of the tickets sold (which thus can be both enrollments as just food orders). There comes later actual attendance and scoreboard on the website.

If you have problems with this can be summoned help to create, edit and delete entries via our administration module.

Manage2Sail registration system

Kerteminde Yacht Club has acceptance from Danish Sailing Association decided that this event is managed with the same system used for the people of the boats Danish Championship organized by ⇒KDY (Skovshoved).

The system is called Manage2Sail (M2S) and is a system being tested for general running of the Danish Sailing Union auspices.

To use it, you must register as a user / sailing in the system, and once it is done once will be quite simple to enroll a boat and sailors to other rallies. See M2S user creation

The system used to record the sailors, administration of the registration, settlement of trades, sailing the documents including electronic bulletin board, result calculation and dissemination and management of the protests and their treatment.

The system is not used to pay for participation in the tournament (entry fees) and miscellaneous services, For that purpose Nemtilmeld previously used for registration and online credit card payment.


To stem the organizers, it is advantageous with a system that can manage the entire competition, ie also races, protests, documents, registration, etc.

For sailors, there is the advantage that registration and information is consistent across organizers in Denmark, Germany and other countries. Is a boat registered DM can easily enroll Belt Championships and other competitions using the same system (eg ⇒Kieler Woche)

For classes is the advantage that a series of events can be linked to ranking rallies and calculations.

For all, there is the disadvantage that the system is new in Denmark and that there may be little running-irregularities. FX is paying with a credit currently not supported and there may be expressions and texts that are not translated into Danish yet. But it is on the road and status changes frequently and often without further orientation, especially by translations.


When Manage2Sail being run in Denmark, there may be national adaptations have not been finished yet. There will upon registration be asked for information that we are not really interested in and that are not necessary. These can only be filled with symbolic dummy values ​​(eg dash – or NN or the like, birth dates can only be written 01-01-1999 or similar anonymously).




Kontakt stævneledelsen via mail.



Mesterskabsejladser i Kerteminde

Posted on19 aug 2016
I weekenden 20-21 august 2016 og dagene inden er mesterskabssejladserne gået igang på Kerteminde Bugt for tre bådtyper. L23 sejler om DM, Albin Express sejler om DM og NM og Folkebådene sejler om Fynsmesterskab, klubmesterskab. Der deltager godt 60 både fra Danmark, Sverige og Tyskland. Løbende opdatering på → Fotogalleri fra L23 og Express → Resultatlister fra L23 og Express → Resultatlister fra Folkebåd med foto