KS-site og Cookies.


  • Admin Menu Tree Page View - 2.7.6 - Get a tree view of all your pages directly in the admin menu. Search, edit, view and add pages - all with just one click away! -
    Ciprian Popescu - - https://getbutterfly.com/wordpress-plugins/admin-menu-tree-page-view/ - Admin Menu Tree Page View
  • Advanced Editor Tools (previously TinyMCE Advanced) - 5.6.0 - Extends and enhances the block editor (Gutenberg) and the classic editor (TinyMCE). -
    Automattic - - https://wordpress.org/plugins/tinymce-advanced/ - Advanced Editor Tools (previously TinyMCE Advanced)
  • Akismet Anti-Spam - 4.2.2 - Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your blog from spam. It keeps your site protected even while you sleep. To get started: activate the Akismet plugin and then go to your Akismet Settings page to set up your API key. -
    Automattic - - https://akismet.com/ - Akismet Anti-Spam
  • Better Search Replace - 1.3.4 - A small plugin for running a search/replace on your WordPress database. -
    Delicious Brains - - https://bettersearchreplace.com - Better Search Replace
  • CMS Tree Page View - 1.6.8 - Adds a CMS-like tree view of all your pages, like the view often found in a page-focused CMS. Use the tree view to edit, view, add pages and search pages (very useful if you have many pages). And with drag and drop you can rearrange the order of your pages. Page management won't get any easier than this! -
    Jon Christopher - - https://github.com/jchristopher/cms-tree-page-view - CMS Tree Page View
  • Comet Cache - 170220 - Comet Cache is an advanced WordPress caching plugin inspired by simplicity. -
    WebSharks, Inc. - - http://cometcache.com/ - Comet Cache
  • Contact Form 7 - 5.5.6 - Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible. -
    Takayuki Miyoshi - - https://contactform7.com/ - Contact Form 7
  • Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA - 2.2.3 - Cookie Notice allows you to you elegantly inform users that your site uses cookies and helps you comply with GDPR, CCPA and other data privacy laws. -
    Hu-manity.co - - https://hu-manity.co/ - Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA
  • Disable Comments - 2.3.4 - Allows administrators to globally disable comments on their site. Comments can be disabled according to post type. You could bulk delete comments using Tools. -
    WPDeveloper - - https://wordpress.org/plugins/disable-comments/ - Disable Comments
  • Email Address Encoder - 1.0.22 - A lightweight plugin that protects email addresses from email-harvesting robots by encoding them into decimal and hexadecimal entities. -
    Till Krüss - - https://encoder.till.im/ - Email Address Encoder
  • Envato Market - 2.0.7 - WordPress Theme & Plugin management for the Envato Market. -
    Envato - - https://envato.com/market-plugin/ - Envato Market
  • Falling things - 1.07 - Falling leafs, snowflakes, flowers or wathever you want 🙂 -
    Manu225 - - - Falling things
  • Goodlayers Importer - 1.0.0 - Import Demo Site -
    Goodlayers - - - Goodlayers Importer
  • Goodlayers LMS - 1.1.0 - -
    Goodlayers - - http://goodlayers.com/ - Goodlayers LMS
  • Goodlayers Portflio Post Type - 1.0.0 - A Custom Post Type Plugin To Use With Goodlayers Theme ( This plugin functionality might not working properly on another theme ) -
    Goodlayers - - - Goodlayers Portflio Post Type
  • Goodlayers Shortcode - 1.0 - A Shortcode Plugin To Use With Goodlayers Theme ( This plugin functionality might not working properly on another theme ) -
    Goodlayers - - - Goodlayers Shortcode
  • Hello Dolly - 1.7.2 - This is not just a plugin, it symbolizes the hope and enthusiasm of an entire generation summed up in two words sung most famously by Louis Armstrong: Hello, Dolly. When activated you will randomly see a lyric from Hello, Dolly in the upper right of your admin screen on every page. -
    Matt Mullenweg - - http://wordpress.org/plugins/hello-dolly/ - Hello Dolly
  • Loco Translate - 2.6.1 - Translate themes and plugins directly in WordPress -
    Tim Whitlock - - https://wordpress.org/plugins/loco-translate/ - Loco Translate
  • Master Slider WP - 2.9.6 - Master Slider is the most advanced responsive HTML5 WordPress slider plugin with layer and Touch Swipe Navigation that works smoothly on devices too. -
    averta - - http://codecanyon.net/item/master-slider-wordpress-responsive-touch-slider/7467925?ref=averta - Master Slider WP
  • Media Library Organizer - 1.4.2 - Organize and Search your Media Library, quicker and easier. -
    WP Media Library - - https://wpmedialibrary.com - Media Library Organizer
  • Official StatCounter Plugin - 2.0.9 - Adds the StatCounter tracking code to your blog.
    To get setup: 1) Activate this plugin 2) Enter your StatCounter Project ID and Security Code in the options page. -
    Aodhan Cullen - - http://statcounter.com/ - Official StatCounter Plugin
  • Plugins List - 2.4.4 - 🔌 Allows you to insert a list of the WordPress plugins you are using into any post/page. -
    David Artiss - - https://github.com/dartiss/plugins-list - Plugins List
  • Really Simple CAPTCHA - 2.1 - Really Simple CAPTCHA is a CAPTCHA module intended to be called from other plugins. It is originally created for my Contact Form 7 plugin. -
    Takayuki Miyoshi - - https://contactform7.com/captcha/ - Really Simple CAPTCHA
  • TablePress - 1.14 - Embed beautiful and feature-rich tables into your posts and pages, without having to write code. -
    Tobias Bäthge - - https://tablepress.org/ - TablePress
  • TablePress Extension: Larger Edit Input Fields - 1.0 - Custom Extension for TablePress to increase the size of the text fields on the "Edit" screen -
    Tobias Bäthge - - https://tablepress.org/extensions/input-field-size/ - TablePress Extension: Larger Edit Input Fields
  • TablePress Extension: Responsive Tables - 1.8 - Extension for TablePress that adds several modes for responsiveness of tables -
    Tobias Bäthge - - https://tablepress.org/extensions/responsive-tables/ - TablePress Extension: Responsive Tables
  • The Events Calendar - 5.7.1 - The Events Calendar is a carefully crafted, extensible plugin that lets you easily share your events. Beautiful. Solid. Awesome. -
    The Events Calendar - - - The Events Calendar
  • The Events Calendar: Text domain fix - 2016-06-30 - Sets tribe_load_text_domain to false -
    Modern Tribe, Inc. - - - The Events Calendar: Text domain fix
  • The Events Calendar PRO - 5.7.1 - The Events Calendar PRO, a premium add-on to the open source The Events Calendar plugin (required), enables recurring events, custom attributes, venue pages, new widgets and a host of other premium features. -
    The Events Calendar - - - The Events Calendar PRO
  • UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore - - Backup and restore: take backups locally, or backup to Amazon S3, Dropbox, Google Drive, Rackspace, (S)FTP, WebDAV & email, on automatic schedules. -
    UpdraftPlus.Com, DavidAnderson - - https://updraftplus.com - UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore
  • WEN Logo Slider - 2.0.8 - Simple responsive logo slider for your WordPress site -
    WEN Solutions - - https://wordpress.org/plugins/wen-logo-slider/ - WEN Logo Slider
  • Wordfence Security - 8.0.4 - Wordfence Security - Anti-virus, Firewall and Malware Scan -
    Wordfence - - https://www.wordfence.com/ - Wordfence Security
  • WordPress Importer - 0.7 - Import posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, tags and more from a WordPress export file. -
    wordpressdotorg - - https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-importer/ - WordPress Importer
  • WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan - 8.9.6 - Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications. -
    Cerber Tech Inc. - - https://wpcerber.com - WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan
  • WP Downgrade | Specific Core Version - 1.2.4 - WP Downgrade allows you to either downgrade or update WordPress Core to an arbitrary version of your choice. The version you choose is downloaded directly from wordpress.org and installed just like any regular release update. The target version WordPress allows you to update to remains constant until you enter a different one or deactivate the plugin either completely or by leaving the target version field empty. -
    Reisetiger - - https://www.reisetiger.net - WP Downgrade | Specific Core Version
  • WP Google Map Plugin - 4.2.5 - A responsive Google Maps plugin to display custom markers on the google maps. Easily add locations and display custom messages in infowindow. -
    flippercode - - https://www.flippercode.com - WP Google Map Plugin
  • WP List Pages by Custom Taxonomy - 1.4.10 - Widget that allow to list XX posts of any active post-type, filtering by any term of any active custom taxonomy, and display only title or thumbnail, date and excerpt too. you can also exclude specific posts by id, and filter/order by meta fields! -
    Andrea Piccart - - - WP List Pages by Custom Taxonomy
  • WP Themes & Plugins Stats - 1.1.1 - The plugin automatically fetch information about Themes and Plugins stats with the help of WordPress.org API. Shortcodes make it easy to display those stats anywhere on the website. -
    Brainstorm Force - - - WP Themes & Plugins Stats
  • Yoast Duplicate Post - 4.4 - The go-to tool for cloning posts and pages, including the powerful Rewrite & Republish feature. -
    Enrico Battocchi & Team Yoast - - https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/duplicate-post/ - Yoast Duplicate Post
  • Cookies

    Kerteminde Sejlklub Cookies stammer fra WordPress og Statcounter (besøgs statestik plugin).

    Der indlejres ikke reklamer og annonce cookies på dette site.

    Cookies WordPress

    Facebook og share-it / like-it plugins bruges ikke og reklamer bruges ikke

    Men fx bruges cookies til at styre accept af brugen af cookies på dette websted.

    https://wordpress.org/plugins/cookie-law-info/ og http://www.cookielawinfo.com/

    Cookies Statcounter

    Her er en liste over de cookies, der kan indstilles, når du besøger StatCounter ( https://statcounter.com/about/cookies/ ) sammen med beskrivelse af, hvad cookies anvendes til og varighed information:

    • StatCounter Session Cookie (PHPSESSID)

    Denne cookie indeholder et tilfældigt genereret nummer og bruges til godkendelse, når du logger ind på StatCounter – denne cookie er en integreret del af sikkerheden på din konto, når du bruger StatCounter, og vi anbefaler, at alle StatCounter medlemmer acceptere denne cookie.

    Varighed: udløber ved udgangen af ​​browsersession

    • StatCounter Analytics cookie (is_unique)

    Kan bruges til at afgøre, om du er en første gang eller tilbagevendende besøgende til en bestemt hjemmeside og at estimere unikke besøg på dette websted. Ingen personlige oplysninger er gemt i cookien. Du kan afvise alle StatCounter analytics cookies – lær mere her.

    Varighed: 5 år

    • OpenX (oaid, oageo, oacblock, oasccap)

    Statcounter bruger OpenX for nogle reklamekampagner på StatCounter. Disse cookies er entydige identifikatorer til en browser, så vi ved, om en bestemt annonce er blevet vist. Dette hjælper os til at undgå gentagne gange at vise dig det samme annonce. Ingen browserhistorik eller anden info er gemt i disse cookies. Oplysningerne i disse cookies deles ikke med tredjeparter.

    Kerteminde Sejlklub brug af Statcounter er uden reklamer (frikøbt)

    Varighed: udløber ved udgangen af ​​browsersession op til 1 år

    • Tredjeparts Advertiser Cookies

    Statcounteri bruger reklamer til at finansiere den gratis service, vi tilbyder. Statcounter bruger tredjeparts tjenester til at vise annoncer på vores hjemmeside som Rubicon Project og Google Adsense. Du kan modtage cookies fra disse tredjeparts annoncører ved brug af StatCounter site. For at fravælge målrettede / adfærdsmæssige annoncer fra enten af ​​disse netværk skal du følge nedenstående links:

    Du kan også bruge NAI fravalg værktøjet nedenfor for at fravælge målrettede / adfærdsmæssige annoncer fra> 70 andre deltagende medlemmer.
    Bemærk, at fravalg af et netværk betyder ikke, du ikke længere vil se online-annoncering. Betyder istedet, at du ikke længere vil se målrettet / adfærdsbaseret annoncering (dvs. reklame skræddersyet til din browserhistorik, præferencer og brugsmønstre) via netværket, hvorfra du har fravalgt.

    Bemærk: Kerteminde Sejlklub har opgraderet til et betalt StatCounter konto, og har benyttet mulighed for at fjerne alle annoncer.

    • VBulletin (vbuserid, vblastvisit, vblastactivity, vbsession)

    Statcounter bruger VBulletin at køre forummet på StatCounter. Disse cookies bruges til sikker log ind på forummet, til at huske din login information (på din anmodning), og til at huske de stillinger, du har set (for at muliggøre kun nye emner, der skal filtreres for dig).

    Varighed: udløber ved udgangen af ​​browsersession op til 1 år

    • WordPress (comment_author, comment_author_email, comment_author_url)

    Statcounter bruger wordpress.org software til at køre bloggen på StatCounter. Hvis du kommenterer på Statcounter blog, vil cookies er anført ovenfor indstilles. Dette er for din bekvemmelighed, så du ikke bliver nødt til at re-skrive alle dine oplysninger til fremtidige kommentarer.

    Varighed: 364 dage

    • Pootle (csrftoken)

    Statcounter bruger pootle software til StatCounter oversættelsesopgave. Hvis du frivilligt til at hjælpe med oversættelse, kan en pootle cookie indstilles i din browser for at huske dit sprog oversættelse præferencer.

    Varighed: 1 år

    • Olark (wcsid, hblid, olfsk, _ok, _oklv, _okbk, _okgid, omp__super__properties)

    Statcounter bruger Olark at give en online chat-vindue på nogle sider af StatCounter – det giver dig mulighed for at starte en samtale med os og giver os mulighed for at give dig øjeblikkelig, lydhør kundeservice. Forskellige cookies bruges til at holde dig logget ind for at chatte, spore, hvad side du kigger og forvalte indlæsning ressourcer. Ingen personlige oplysninger gemmes i disse cookies.

    Varighed: udløber ved udgangen af ​​browsersession op til 2 år


      UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin