Notice of Race and invitation can be downloaded or read from Manage2sail.
Sailing Instructions can be downloaded or read from Manage2sail.
Startlists can be downloaded or read from Manage2sail.
The initial startlist will for every day be the grouplist for that day,
Entry should be done from Manage2Sail where you find a list of all classes represented in Sailextreme 2017.
You come to the entry form by selecting “Register for this class” or “Register for this event” in the overviewlist with all classes and competitions.
Please remember that registreration for a class (entry) requires that you has been registrated as user as described in the proces below.
If you have any problems please contact Race Committee by mail.
ONLINE PAYMENT MAY 2017: Danish Sailing Association, Manage2sail and the Danish Internet Payment provider NETS has released the online payment solution.
When registration opened the CASH option was mentioned as the only payment option offered. It did not mean that fee should be paid by cash, it was a circumvention meaning that payment was delayed.
It has now (may 2017) be changed so NETS is the only payment option, and NETS mean online payment by creditcard. So please go to your entry and continue/finish it with the online payment of fee and other services.
Registration fee will change as of May 19th. This deadline is extended so the “early payment discount” applies throughout the weekend through Sunday 21st of May.
Registration is valid when paid. It is the payment date, which determines the amount of the fee. If you have signed up early (and maybe before payment was possible) you still have to pay within the deadline to get the discount.
Race area map 2016, new for 2017 will be announced with the sailing instructions 2017.
Sailextreme NoR og SI.
Engelsk version til orientering. Stævnets sprog er Dansk.
Findes på Manage2sail
Findes på Manage2sail
Kan ændres uden yderlig annoncering frem til stævnestart.
Sailextreme NoR og SI
Torm Grand Prix for Optimist A, Zoom8 og Feva
Findes på Manage2sail
Hvis der kommer væsentlige ændringer til NoR vil det blive annonceret som →meddelelse.
Findes på Manage2sail
Kan ændres uden yderlig annaoncering frem til stævnestart.
Sailextreme NoR og SI
For andre klasser end Torm Grand Prix klasserne
Findes på Manage2sail
Hvis der kommer væsentlige ændringer til NoR vil det blive annonceret som →meddelelse.
Findes på Manage2sail
Kan ændres uden yderlig annaoncering frem til stævnestart.